Tutorial Exercises Week 2

Question 1

Use R to calculate the principal cubed root of 64, \sqrt[3]{64}.


The cubed root of 64 can also be written as 64^\frac{1}{3}. We can calculate this in R with:

[1] 4

Question 2

Use R to calculate \ln(e^5).


We can calculate this with:

[1] 5

The reason we get 5 (the same as the input value) is because \log(e^x)=x for all x.

Question 3

Use R to calculate \log_4(64).

That is, take the log of 64 to the base 4.


We can specify the base using the base argument in the log() function:

log(64, base = 4)
[1] 3

The reason we get 3 is because we need to multiply 4 by itself exactly 3 times to get 64:

4 * 4 * 4
[1] 64

Question 4

In R we create vectors with the c() function (the combine function). In a vector, all elements need to have the same type (like numerical, logical, character). If we combine elements of different types into a vector, the c() function will force elements to a common type.

What types are the following vectors?

  • c(1, 2, 3, TRUE, FALSE)
  • c(1, 2, "3")
  • c(TRUE, FALSE, "Yes", "No")


Let’s create each of the following vector and check their classes:

q4i <- c(1, 2, 3, TRUE, FALSE)
[1] 1 2 3 1 0
[1] "numeric"

R coerces all values to numeric because of the presence of both numeric and logical values. It coerces the TRUE to 1 and FALSE to 0.

q4ii <- c(1, 2, "3")
[1] "1" "2" "3"
[1] "character"

R coerces all to character because of the presence of both numeric and character values. It coerces the 1 to "1" and 2 to "2".

q4iii <- c(TRUE, FALSE, "Yes", "No")
[1] "TRUE"  "FALSE" "Yes"   "No"   
[1] "character"

R coerces all to character because of the presence of both logical and character values. It coerces the TRUE to "TRUE" and FALSE to "FALSE".

The hierarchy for conversion is logical < numeric < character.

Question 5

Consider the sequence \left(1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, ..., 100\right).

  • How many numbers are in the sequence?
  • What is the 100th number in the sequence?
  • What is the median value in the sequence?


We can see the sequence is numbers from 1 to 100 in steps of 0.2. We can create this with:

x <- seq(from = 1, to = 100, by = 0.2)

To find the number of elements in x we use the length() function:

[1] 496

To find the 100th element of x we can use indexing:

[1] 20.8

To find the median value of x we can use the median() function:

[1] 50.5

Question 6

Create the sequence:

\left(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, ..., 98, 98, 99, 99, 100, 100\right)

Assign this sequence to the variable x.

Write a command to get the subset of this sequence with values exceeding 60. The output should be: \left(61, 61, 62, 62, ..., 99, 99, 100, 100\right)

What is the average of this subsequence?


We can this sequence using the rep() function with the each option:

x <- rep(1:100, each = 2)
  [1]   1   1   2   2   3   3   4   4   5   5   6   6   7   7   8   8   9   9
 [19]  10  10  11  11  12  12  13  13  14  14  15  15  16  16  17  17  18  18
 [37]  19  19  20  20  21  21  22  22  23  23  24  24  25  25  26  26  27  27
 [55]  28  28  29  29  30  30  31  31  32  32  33  33  34  34  35  35  36  36
 [73]  37  37  38  38  39  39  40  40  41  41  42  42  43  43  44  44  45  45
 [91]  46  46  47  47  48  48  49  49  50  50  51  51  52  52  53  53  54  54
[109]  55  55  56  56  57  57  58  58  59  59  60  60  61  61  62  62  63  63
[127]  64  64  65  65  66  66  67  67  68  68  69  69  70  70  71  71  72  72
[145]  73  73  74  74  75  75  76  76  77  77  78  78  79  79  80  80  81  81
[163]  82  82  83  83  84  84  85  85  86  86  87  87  88  88  89  89  90  90
[181]  91  91  92  92  93  93  94  94  95  95  96  96  97  97  98  98  99  99
[199] 100 100

To get the values exceeding 60 we can use logical indexing:

x[x > 60]
 [1]  61  61  62  62  63  63  64  64  65  65  66  66  67  67  68  68  69  69  70
[20]  70  71  71  72  72  73  73  74  74  75  75  76  76  77  77  78  78  79  79
[39]  80  80  81  81  82  82  83  83  84  84  85  85  86  86  87  87  88  88  89
[58]  89  90  90  91  91  92  92  93  93  94  94  95  95  96  96  97  97  98  98
[77]  99  99 100 100

To get the average of this we use the mean() function on this subsequence:

mean(x[x > 60])
[1] 80.5

Question 7

Using the example logical vectors a and b from the book:


Which command returns the elements where a and b are not both TRUE?


We use !a to get when a is not TRUE. Similarly, we use !b to get when b is not TRUE. To see when a and b are both not TRUE we use the logical AND operator & with !a and !b:


!a & !b

a and b are both not TRUE only in the 4th element, when both a and b are FALSE.

Question 8

Download the file rotterdam-airbnb.csv.

This contains data on Rotterdam Airbnb listings.

Read it into R. What is the average price of a night’s stay in the data?

If the data is loaded in R as df, you can get the vector of prices with the command df$price.


First we create a folder for our project and put the rotterdam-airbnb.csv file into that folder. Then we start a new project in RStudio and point RStudio to where the folder is. RStudio will open a new session and we will be in the directory of the project which has the dataset in it. We should be able to see the rotterdam-airbnb.csv file in the “Files” tab in RStudio.

df <- read.csv("rotterdam-airbnb.csv")
[1] 162.6658